Friday, August 22, 2014

Travel Update!!

Hello from Thailand!!  Its hard to believe that I am actually over here now but its amazing too!  I did not have internet at either of the two airports that I spent a total of 14 hours in!!

Newark Airport!
For those of you that don't know, this is one of my favorite ways of passing time!!
This is also number 1 of my selfies!!
Hong Kong Airport!
This is not the plane that I flew in on.  Notice the mountains in the background!!
Anyone know what I'm thinking???
Just a view from Honk Hong Airport! I said......:)

My (somewhat) messy area!
 There will be 11 of us guys in the dorm which consists of two large rooms!

The view from "the roof" of IGO!!
Till next time........cookie

Monday, August 18, 2014

Excited???? YES!!!

Ready to leave the ones I love???? No!!
I truly do have mixed feelings as I make final preparations.
I will be flying in plane like this one!!!
Here is my flight info for those of you who want to track it!
Airline - Cathay Pacific
Flight number: CX899
From: Newark, NJ
To:     Hong Kong, China
Date: Aug 20th
Take off: 1:10 A.M.
Landing: 5:00 A.M. (on the 21st, 5:00 P.M. EST)
Aircraft:  Boeing 777-300ER

I will try to email a link from the airport just before the flight!

As I pack I am think of a lot of different people that I will not see for many days.  Lord, willing I'll shall be back around the new year! (subject to change without notice) I feel that this is the beginning of a new chapter in my life.  My life will be different from here on out.  I am not sorry to move on to where the Lord calls me but I will sorely miss those whom I have love and appreciate!  Church of Cross Keys has a special place in my heart and I will see you all again, Lord willing!!  Blessings and many thanks to you all for your love and support!
...till next time.....cookie